Most Welcome the World of Krishan Konna of Bangladesh.

I am krishan konna of Bangladesh. I have written a lot of articles, story and others. My goal is unlimited. Now my desire and dream three items-
1. Krishan konna Humanity Mission
2. The Farmer House of Bangladesh
3. The Children Freedom fighter of Liberation war in 1971.

I love needy,poor, disable and helpless peoples of the world and I like good person only.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

"Let me look at ur eyes. Look at my face. Peace and be Still"

Manob Sheyna

Please look at Manob Sheyna who is only 32 years old and a ISP Engineer of Bd. But he is my stead forward leader who I am always looking in this Bangla. Now my feelings is so good because I got my love. So no fear , no tears, no sorrows or remorse. Now  my crying has stopped. I believe that He will be proper guide of this Bangla one day. I always would believed that human will be humanitarian only day by day to observing of our phenomenon. But my believe has dead. I of course understand thats no ages, no time it comes anytime, any ages but of course thats only God gifted that I know. Only for this once I am looking for a new generation and already invitation to all of please come on I am looking for all of you. Of course in your have hide of our leader Abraham Linclon, Mohatma Gandhi, Nelson Mendela, Bangabandhu and others who will take me the path of light and true only. who will guide of our educated disability society of Bangla. I believe that one day he will be of our love and ethics that I know. I will die, you will live and of course understand of our indispensable reality to all of my friends. Please always fighting with him. I hope of course he will can be proper guide to all of you we will  reach of our last destination Insallah. Our Mission and Vission-2021. (cont.)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Modern Story of Bangladesh Created by Krishan konna

Rahila Khanum
Ministry of Agriculture
 Today my feelings was not good because today my pc fully stop, no communicated of my fbf. In 2004 after my brain tumor my Dr. Ari.  Chacko suggested that at least half an hour regular walking. But always I performed. last year I first felt my lelf leg pains. At that day Dr. examine and advice no walk long. So stop walking. But now always to sitting to my pc. So for some days I have been felf pains of my backside. So seem to me that I will die but no completed of my KHM. So I became aggressive. Then I wrote something what I am thinking then. Then my friend Christopher wrote to me that-

Christopher Mark Wingate Krishan, you have life when others do not. Be happy with family and forget government hurt. That does mean forget their wrongs just forget their effect on your life.When you go to sleep be at peace. And when you wake be happy you have woken. Enjoy the sun rise, enjoy nature. People too often bring hurt so being aware of that will make you turn your focus from them to nature. Enjoy living and be happy.

Then I wrote to him-
 Krishan Konna You dont know my friend for some days I could not sitting and trying to bed but could not my backbone so pains. I recall once my collegague said to me that you lost your brain and lost you back side. Really two years ago lost my left leg. now lost my back side. I am going to bed. yet this is my last day. You never see to me web page. But I will back if I come back my life that lost once. Please pray for me my dear.Bye.

Then I went first of our secretary of Social welfare. But  no met.  I submited my document about my parmanent house where I will to do my all KHM activitie parmanently.

After that Iwent of our Press club at Dhaka. I said to them that I am the Queen krishan konna of Bangladesh want ot telling something in front of Bangladesh. Once insulted me the peoples of out side. Now fbf also bad comments thats not true. I want to proved that I am the Queen Krishan konna of Bangladesh. Now I am coming out of my office only open my face cover and head cover. Please let me say . Then they took of my documents that I singed to the chief news- (prodhan bartabahok).

Then I went of our NGO burreau office of my KHM purpose. Yesterday I went to our additional director of Agargaon Social welfare Extension. Then she told me to meet the director of NGO burreau. So today I went there and known about the registration. Sir helped me and understand me what I perform that. Then I come back of my house.
 Now first open my facebook and written my msg.
Krishan Konna
Dear Chris you are right to say. Please look at now I am wake up from my sleep and to observed the world is so nice and beautiful. You know once from my family, from my society and from my administration stressed me all side, but now I am s...till standing up only Almighty God. You know I am so strong to the inside of my mind and soul but only of my integrity of esssence. Please believe me for somedays my backside so pains when I am sittiing the chair. then so pains, no work my pc. So my feelings was so bad. on the other side my office pc has lost, on open, today has lost forever. So I could not communicate or work then I my feelings is so bad. then I become mad. You know now I am a patient of brain tumor. So no tension thats suggested my Dr. Ari.Chacko. He alwaws with me only five years. A lot of advice to me But could not stop me this tension. Please believe me life has created this condition. Dr. Ari. Chako's advice that daily half an hour walking but last year lost my lefl leg. so no walk so more. But now was good. somedays ago so feelings back pains. I heard that our PM Shiekh Hasina said that all of you coperation of our disability peosples and always help to them. But now I am disability listed but nothing to do for me, even destroy my life day by day. A pc ! can you say how much money ? But that will be can perform a lot of human wellbing. Always I want to living peacefully but they again and again hurt me . At last stage of my life. I have leave and start practical way.
Krishan Konna First I went to our Secretary of Social welfare. For somedays I have been trying and once went there but our Minister of Social welfare is now sick. So no meet. Today I went and given my all document to PS sir and loud voice there. I already said that I want to my justice why do you damaged my life. Now arrage my big house only for KHM at Dhanmondh Residensial area.
Krishan Konna
After that I went of our Press Club at Dhaka. In there I said to them that I am the Queen Krishan konna of Bangladesh something to tell of my Bangladesh. There is nothing without true in the world. I was dumb. Once I came in here from my vi...llage, in here they are damaged my life, now I go back of my village to the beside of my father grave and want to sleep forever. Only before gone my desire that to talk something in here. I dont go of my house until you no call to all of our reporters. I alredy submissin of my website and said to them please search and read and arrage- To chief newsbroad casting may be prothan bartabahok.
Krishan Konna
After that I went of our NGO's burreau only for the registration purpose of KHM. Yester day I went to our social welfare extension. But my madam additional director said to me that you will go to NGO office where to performed that. But now ...

After that I have written about Flora. Now why I can not to pleased with her. As like as my husband expired. ? Why I come back of my nice day that I lost before ? Now I want to live only with my KHM that make me happy only.
Krishan Konna
After long days I recall to you Flora. Only you know without anybody of your Mami. Only you was my best friend who always make me happy. After expired your Mama, always you kept of us full of happy schwan and Rafsan. But now you has gone us only my acitvities. I recall last year you said to me that Mamy everything forget you what happened before. We will of our injustice of that judgement day in front of Allah. Who disputed of us in this world, of course they will be punishment by Allah. She stoped but I dont stop till now. Because she has a big car, big house she is doing what she feeling is good. But I am ? I will forget by what thing s ? In 2006 woman day we (Flora and me) became the member of Jago Nari Foundation, then amb. Monzurul Alam said to the President of that Foundation,'' why Flora will be the member of Nari Jagoron Foundaiton ? Flora is disputed of our Society.''. I recall after my husband death Flora was my nephew that means friend company to me . But now I could not any time for her. She always to angree for my activities. But I could not. I want to live only my noble activities. I already to said her when I completed my work then I come back to you. I recall once my fb friend propasal to me that Flora and me joined the Jatio party. By the by I told to Flora. She was smiling. I know that she always like and love BNP that I know. But I dont like any party. I like to all of them who are good person of the World and who understand of our indispensable reality.

I have already told that my roots are so strong. Someone likes BNP, someone Jation Party, some one Awameleague. I am a children freedom fighter also. I am humanist. I like to all of them who are so good person and understand of our indispensable reality and love and like the Queen Krishan konna of Bangladesh.
My best regards our ex. Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia now I am telling to you that really I like and love you. But now I am humanist. So first I priority of our poor, needy, disable and helpless society. Now I see to benifit of our fifteen core peoples of Bangladesh. I know that now you are humanist also. Because you have seen a lot of sequence of Bangladesh. Of course I hope you are not educated disability. you understand of our indispensable reality. I mean you give that of our helpless and needy peoples. So in here you are a Great that I know. Always remember Krishan konna is a disability listed. She is widow. she has no any maid servant, no any suitable house. Only Allah protected her. But her integrity of essence is so hight. She understand of our indispensable reality. Now we are in a nation, in a Mission only. Please let us build brotherhood and peace of the world. The world of course remember to you. Please understand of our indispensable reality.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I am telling to Mosarrat Khan of Pakistan only this write up on your comments.

Rahila khanum
Ministry of Agriculture
Thank Mosarrat Khan for your comments. But always remember today what I known or as my believe but no change ever. Only change after my death. You are MA of Islamic but I am a science graduate. Primary scholarship and may be all class 1st girl that means I was class captain always. I know reading Holy Quran. But did not understand bangla meaning. I am a personal officer of government of the peoples Republic of Bangladesh. But your Pakistan govt. always stress of needy, poor and helpless peoples, they always mean themself as like as God. Just thats rules till now of our govt. rules where always distress of our 3rd class, 4th class and others only. The period of Pakistan we are never dream to do job in here. At that day my father was a big farmer who is quitely freedom. He always maintain all of us (ten children) only depend his caltivation. But once I came this Heaven that means Bangladesh secretariat from my village. But in here I first disputed high educated society. Only for this I dont communicate all of my relatives. I have been struggling day by day. First life I was a high school teacher (popular teacher) but unfortunately became farm labour of defferment of Agriculture. From there now I am Bangladesh secretariat. But always I have  seen a lot of God has created here. But I mean Almighty Allah is only God to us. Only for this I have seen in here a lot of our staff follow to them and trying to do income behind door. I also seen a lot of peoples regular performed their prayer but behind door they are working inhumanity activities. For this in here created a corrupt peoples. Always to killing inhumanity for this that I dont loterate. Our establishment rules just created that Pakistan government. In here all of us dumb. If we stress, but no express. If express, so our job is dismis. But in here when I am so distressed then I dont bangging my head to against my wall stand from it and looking the option to living high head. After leberation that means after 40 years I cached my pen to agaist the inhumanity to break up. As like as our rebel poet Qazi Nazrul. I continue fighting my family, my society and my administration, as like as a disability listed Rahila Khanum. I known from my life being human being. Now I converted of humanist. Of course I recognised that Agha Tariq H Khan is a humanist because he first indicate me humanist to read  from my story. I believe always good person uderstand of good person only. Just now I can understant to read or look at anyone how he is ! Anyway first to me honor from Agha Tariq Khan. Yes I have written some in my thoughts english and  bangale on IHM thats published on my facebook. I taught how create the Mission as like as him. I created my KHM only follow to him. But not any matter that i know. Always we follow to all of  humanist life and their activities or others. We are best human by Allah, So everyone will be creative but nothig. Sheikh Hafsa Sheikh's writing lost life that I have published my blog. So nice. I mean thats to need only for human welbeing. Allah said that to express if you know a simple one Ayat of Quran.'' Everyone should be responsible. But what I am doing ? I never the meaning of Quran. But you know so much. I have taught some Ayat of Quran. Such as-Midad-32, Huzural-13, Imran-54, 64, 110, 168 and others. Always these express sometimes only for wake up who forgot Almigty Allah,Quran and Mohammad (PBUH). But now I known from that. such as Shura Midad Ayat-13-Allah say-' Oh human I created you only a pair of woman and man, then divided of others catagories. such as-color, religion, language, country , environment and others status only for introduce to each of others. He is so honorble near me who is so much Mottakin.Whereas no qureel to each of others. Shura Imran Ayat 110 Allah say " you are best human, I created to you only for human welbeing. You encourage to good works and discourage to untrue.'' Imran-64 Allah say-' Come on that way which same to you and me.Always remember Islam is the peace of religion. The Holy Quran is the best solution books of human and our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is the best fandamentalist of Islam. Allah already said His Holy Quran that no express ever, already I expressed of my Quran. So remember Islam is comfort, not efforts. But now a important things that understand only Mr. Agha Tariq Khan and brother Djuyoto Suntani. Because to need a lot of year only for observe. You dont understand because you dont reach that position. When human converted humanist then He loves and likes to all without discrimination. I known that Allah, God, Isshore, Vogoban is only one who controls this vast kingdom. Allah is not only Muslim, HE is all human beings. In this world every Holy book tells the true, fair and humanity.  Who understand our indispensable reality He is the humanist only. Who loved humanity and love humanity they are all of humanist but this number is rare in all the world. But we remember first our Mohammad (PBUH) was the best humanist. Allah said that when true is standing up over the false, then of course abolist the false. JESUS said that you are looking the true, of course true free from you. '' So now I am out of country and entered the Earth Planet only for looking at the true. I am humanist I want to know to about the all religion what they saying. Allah already say by HIS shura Imran-54 that same so no problems. So we are all brothers and sister only but only defferent environment. Please to teach differentiate good and bad only. if he Hindus or Muslims or christian. In this world have two type human bad and good. Always remember we are human and all come from a pair of woman and man. Now we are living as like as a big family in the Earth Planet. we are all brothers and sisters only.

You said Casmir, Babri mosque and our liberation. I already said that in this word two catagories peoples always was and have now. They dont understand of  our indispensable reality. Only for this now fighting and crying in the world.  Please look at President Barack Obama said that Islam is the Great religion.Even he said to going Indonesia that we are not fighting (Crused)  to agaist the Mulsim. Even he always to tells favour of Islam. I mean he is understand of our reality. He is the great humanist who never differentiate of any religion.

On the other hand I have seen of my country for being 20 years of our health sector. Everyone is commercial. Doctors serve is the best virtue. But most of them dont apply. I have seen my operation period at Cmch, Vellore of Inida, in there every doctor is great humanitarian. Because they seem to serve is their best religion. they always follow to their JESUS. I have seen that their touch in hand everybody come back him lost life. Every doctors of Cmch is humanitarian. Even from my childhood I had seen that my  grand father Shluresh Chondro Mukherji who was my grand fathers firiends. You know that our Mohammad (PBUH) said that ' Never capture of orphan property'' But always i have seen that Muslim did not obey this rules. Once occurred my father period and now my two sons period. no complain only upon for that Judgement day. My fathers period save him Brahamn (Hindu) S.k Mukherji and in 2004 save Dr.Ari.Chacko, Cmch of INdia. But our Muslim they disputed me, no accountalbe to me or nothing to do for me. Now I can differentiate good and bad. So no compare of religion only to see real person. I love that person who is good and integirty and i hate that person who dishonest and no sincere. I love to all of ur poor, needy and helpless peoples of the world.I like all of good person of the world.

On the other hand you will be glad that my two sons is so sensible they of course understand of our indispensable reality more than me. You look at backward of the world. If any person really understand of our indispensable reality, then they of course killed. But only will stay of their particles. when I will not stay in this world. At that day Schwan and Rafsan will be my particles only who always will tell the word of humanty of course.

At last I say to you- I heard that everything is coping but a word is never copying. After that its good if you know any word. thats all. I recall once my fbf told me that why you published your articles, if anybody copping ?  But I dont care, a lot of articles, blogs everythins is gave for human beings. If anyone copying its, I will be grateful to him. Al least to used anyone. that I know. I dont believe it that damage any Mission ferformance if any sentence or word, eighter to gaining only seem to them that you donar or creditor and who take it they debitor or loaner. So dont matter that I know. Always remember the cost of failure is experience. Because when you insulted then only could taugth my english writing.  I never degrade of our new generation only invitation please come the path of true,fair and humanity. A word you remember ' You can not change human nature'' ' Never say never' ..  We are one word-We shall over come one day. Please dont say no'  (cont.)